LOVE of the night: It's a striped, striped world.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lately, my eyes seem to gravitate toward all things striped or nautical.  Maybe it's the pleasant idea that this look has been a classic go to for quite some time.  Sigh, isn't Audrey just lovely? 


  1. I love Breton style shirts! It makes me want to grab a latte and buttery croissant, unfortunately I haven't had thE best luck finding many shirts, great pick! I love love love the cardigan on the manikin, is it by chance Anthropologie? I want it!!

    By the way I have no clue why my comment is under Epicure.... It's supposed to be under my gmail name and that most certainly is not it.

  2. Anonymous Epicure,

    Thanks for your comment! The cardigan on the manikin is Anthropologie.
    Yummm, buttery coissants, they are calling my name! =)


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