Love of the evening: Wedding Dresses...Have you found yours??

Friday, January 21, 2011

Well lovelies, I am cashing in a little early today.I need to spend a little time without my computer in my face.  I think we all need a little down time from our gadgets every now in then.  Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend and I will see ya Monday! Until then, here is my LOVE of the evening. Ta Ta!

Since, I have incorporated wedding ideas into my blog over the past week, I was inspired to look at wedding dresses just for fun.  I have already found my dress for my wedding, but gosh, if I could I would pick a different dress everyday.  There are too many beautiful dresses to choose just ONE!  I have searched high and low in the past year looking at wedding dresses from London, New York, Dallas and Houston and have yet to find another designer who surpasses Valentino. He gets the award in my book, yet again. As I have posted before, Valentino can do no wrong and his wedding couture supports every bit of my theory.

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